Monday, February 18, 2008

Things To Say To Niece At Her Wedding

The Return! The Nativity

After a while 'I return to write, because I found a new interesting activity that goes well with a blog.
For some time I attend a gym and among the activities is often more practical way. I've never been a big fan, but with the right motivation I'm starting to take taste. In Specifically, I decided to use my iPod to this end, buying the Nike + kit : a sensor that stores data on its races from which the iPod then download data to a PC and the Internet.
Currently my stats are pretty pathetic, but we hope to improve over time. If you'd like to know my progress as long as you go here.
Thus was born a very large community that uses this technology to compete in various ways. I have just overlooking, but soon I found myself involved in one of these challenges, thanks to a friend Hattrick ( Manu) who is a regular user of nikeplus.
The most interesting part in these challenges is to publicize and encourage others to confront. Here's what I'm participating in now ... anyone interested will sign up!