Monday, October 27, 2008

Explanation Hidden Blade Blueprint

-Etruscans The ancient city of Latium

blooms again passion for the Etruscans, or perhaps never fade ... a people to say the least complex (If not mysterious), and "esoteric," particularly reluctant to give full testimony himself and maybe so dear to the imagination of scholars and enthusiasts of ancient and modern.
Tyrrhenian Pelasgians Called by the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans and Tusci autodefinitisi Rasna. But the Etruscans, who were they?
The exhibition tells us about this culture through the development of major urban centers Laziali: Veii, Cerveteri , Vulci, Tarquinia, from the city's oldest and most common characters are both differentiating came gradually in artistic production both in cultural trends and worship which in life styles and business practice. Each of these four cities is a section devoted to the highlights for a particular characteristic: Veii, a city of terracotta, terra-cotta production destined to decorate the roofs of buildings and make sculptural votive offerings. Cerveteri, characterized by the extraordinary funerary architecture connected to the famous cemetery. Vulci, represented for the monumental sculpture in local stone. Tarquinia and the extraordinary production of paintings in the tombs.
It 's a fascinating journey through the reconstruction of a part of the Temple of Apollo, and a tomb, large animals mythical guardians tombs and fine ceramics. A section is devoted to relations between these cities with Rome and the strong influence that the Etruscan civilization had on the Roman world in terms of religious practices and symbols of power.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Reception Wordings In Tamil

Ancient Roman roads: the case of Via Annia

He is starting the project of restoration and enhancement of an ancient Roman road : Via Annia. The project, funded by ARCUS SpA and sostenut or by the Veneto Region and the Municipality of Padua, has as its objective the restoration and enhancement of the ancient Roman road of the second century. BC linking a southern terminus, tentatively identified in Adria passing through the centers of Padua, Altino and Concordia. In Roman times the Via Annia represented a fundamental way of communication between the Po Delta and Aquileia and thanks to an extensive set of secondary links, ensuring a smooth entry to the most important towns in the hinterland . A sort of backbone along which it has developed the identity of the surrounding territories and has played a key role in projecting the Roman culture to the center of Europe.

The course, built by the Romans on earlier proto slopes, today is partly traceable to the Triestina road, despite the vicissitudes of weather and landslides late antiquity and early medieval who have cleared the tracks, making for a long time to lose the memory of this important communication.
Enhancing the path of this ancient Roman road that means collecting common thread that unites past and present, the lands of the north-eastern Italian with the heart of Europe. The recovery can only start from all the evidence, often known only by scholars, who speak of the history of the area.

Via Annia The Project aims to make 'a kind of ancient Roman pin which stimulate the growth process of the territories of the north-east, a cultural promotion, then, that goes hand in hand with plans for landscape improvement and recovery of ancient gastronomic traditions that exist today. If you are interested in this please contact us and we will inform you about our plans to visit "Roman roads" .
Info and texts from the magazine

Homemade Pellet Catcher

Sustainable Tourism Landscapes

In agreement with Rainforest Alliance, UNEP (the UN Environment Programme) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) were presented by the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe first criteria worldwide in favor of a sustainable tourism . These rules are based on thousands of best practices, extrapolated from the standards currently applied in various countries around the world, and developed to provide a common framework to guide the emerging sustainable tourism and environmentally friendly. The criteria were developed by Partnership for Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria (Gstc Partnership), a new breakfast of 27 organizations, made up of leading public and private, nonprofit organizations and entities mentioned above. Over the past 15 months the partnership, together with sustainability experts and industry travel, reviewed more than 60 existing certification standards in the world, including those also on a voluntary basis. In all, were analyzed more than 4,500 criteria have been heard and the observations of 80 000 people, including conservationists, industry leaders, governmental authorities and UN bodies. The results available on , focus on four areas of crucial importance: the optimization of socio-economic benefits of tourism to local communities, reducing negative impacts on cultural heritage, and the reduction of injury affected local environments, planning for sustainability.
Info and texts from magazine