Tuesday, February 1, 2011

80 Day Hiv Test Negative

Ode to

Ode to bicycle

miniature bicycles

Reading day is a publication of the Italian Federation of Friends of the Bicycle, "I really liked this definition, which I dedicate to all, and especially to .. ..................... sedentary!

The bike does not consume
produces no emissions
not cluttered
no noise Nuisance
is an ecological means by definition
energy efficient
the best bike traffic
improves the environment
improves health
improves' mood
the bike is good for the City
and those who use

and this I would add:

us a great sense of freedom
clear the mind from everyday worries
us fantasize
and above all, it's good .......... to 'Love!

try it!

perhaps so 'is a bit excessive!

early as 400 BC Diogenes, a famous Greek philosopher asserted

"is an emotional impulse what has always led people to abandon civilization [convenience] to search for a simpler life, a life more in harmony with nature, not contaminated by unnecessary possessions, free from stifling constraints. "

would be nice if some time learning to put into practice, even for a short period, gains in health, not only!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Neosporine Or Polysporin For Staph

bicycle pedestrian bicycle paths in the province of Varese


cyclist and bicycle paths - walking in the province of Varese
exhausted, for now, visits to places outside port with a minimum of cultural interest, I should like to make a small inventory of existing bicycle lanes on our territory, which often are shared by fellow pedestrians.

Cycle paths have sprung up in recent years due to the need for facilities to the poor cyclists strictly confidential until a few years ago were forced ; to move only on very busy roads, with unimaginable consequences.

I can not remember what happened to the early December 2010, when a twenty year old Lamezia Terme without a license and come under the influence of drugs while he was making a dangerous overtaking at high speed, literally mowed down a group of cycling friends, and seven of them have lost life tragically. To think that every time we go out for a healthy Sgambati, we run into such facts, we shudder.

In Italy is a decade that began in speak specifically of PCs, even if we use the bicycle is still mostly restricted to a few fans and its spread is still very limited, unlike Germany, Austria , Holland and other Northern European countries where the inhabitants, their DNA in the cult of the bicycle and it's no wonder that their bikes have the highest priority than cars thing from us, such a thing would not even thinkable.

1] Trail pedestrian and cycle of Lake Varese km 28

range Gliding adjacent to the bike path

2] Connecting bike path Lake Varese / Lake Comabbio Km 4

3] Cycle Track pedestrian-Lake Comabbio Km 6

4] Valley Trail pedestrian and cycle Ganna Ganna from Ponte Tresa Km 16

5] cycle-pedestrian track of Valmorea Castiglione Olona from 14 km to Castellanza

6] , pedestrian and cycle track from Sesto Calende Navigli in Milan [dock Ticinese]
70 km

then reaching back to the Porta Garibaldi Station, passing by Piazza Duomo, the kilometers are about a hundred

In order to complete the list of PCs in the area,
I should add the following:

- bike path loop that starts from Ghirla,
touching the following locations: Cunardo, Ferrera,
Masciago First, Bedero Valcuvia, Ganna for
Ghirla return. Km 16
almost completely surrounded by woods and

- cycle track Valtravaglia
Luino, Germantown, Mesenzana, Cassano Valco.
totaling Km 9
completely sunny.

With the first warm days of spring, my concern will visit locations, attaching with a pretty picture.

As I mentioned ini tially subtitle My Blog, I embarked on this work with the sole purpose of being of help to some colleagues, since my amateur sports is a privilege reserved for only a few fans.
Despite all my good intentions, the results are not adhered to anything but encouraging, however the number of views are quite numerous.

But clearly this was not my goal.

Beyond these considerations, for the moment I would like to continue in my view, you never know .......... ......... !
Probably my experiences of cyclists do not give anything to anyone so instead of being a dialogue between fans of cycling, as I had hoped, it proved to be one of my monologue, with a few affectionate / or reader / hour, and I thank and salute, which I think they liked my pictures more than anything else.
then I thought, if this situation continues to prevail, to close the cabin and keep the puppets and all solely for my personal purposes, even considering the considerable amount of work and material included.

I had a goal, this was missed, I will retire in good order!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Swatches Dream Mousse Bronzer

A visit to the Gardens of Varese Este

A visit to the gardens of Varese Este

NPUTS The main offices Estes Park and the gardens

The public gardens of Italy, is perhaps one of the most beautiful gardens existing in the Italian North. Partially located on a hill, whose summit is shaded by fir and pine trees that give the garden the idea of \u200b\u200ba larger size. From the terrace the view extended to the Campo dei Fiori, in Sacro Monte and close to the mountains of Switzerland, with the Monte Generoso.

In 1760, Duke Francesco d'Este bought a house adjacent to a small garden and some surrounding land, with the 'intent to build a palace for his residence, inside a vast park.
Work began from 1766 with the renovation and extension of existing house and the creation of a garden Italian, with a large and elegant parterre located between the house and the hill.

In 1837 the entire property passed to the Este Dott.Robbioni, which only partially redesigned the park and modified in the style of the garden, by creating new paths and the planting of several species of conifers.
In 1850 there was a 'further transfer of ownership, the new owner, in the person of Caesar Veratti, grandson of Robbioni, go' in the transformation of the park, until in 1882, the whole or building and grounds were finally purchased by the city of Varese, who made inter alia its town hall.

to the office of Mayor

Only around 1883 the whole park agronomist Luigi Cremona was entrusted with the task of undertaking a study on how the park should have ; be used; He suggested 'among other things, to bring the garden as it was at the origin.

dall'androne main access to the garden of the palace, one has to observe the vast parterre Italian characterized by wide avenues and flower beds which represent the view up the hill, which slopes to find a large fountain. From this point there are stairways and paths that symmetry climb up the slope, up to the balcony.

From the top of the hill we go directly to Villa Mirabello, home of the Civic Museum, situated in dominant position with respect to the underlying park.

For the record there is to be noted that the area used for gardens, became public only since March 25, 1883, and only after that date were open to the public for the first time, to the delight of Varesini of yesterday and today. It seems impossible as the center of the city, you can find a green area of \u200b\u200bthis size, maybe that's the reason that Varese has always known:

"The Garden City"

the entire City Palace complex


LOGO of UCI Road World Championships in 2008

"VARESE World"