Saturday, October 21, 2006

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2001 Odyssey in the waste - the historic mistake

To better understand the issue should be remembered that in 2000, just months after the Fibe has won races, the junta that replaces Bassolino Rakes of opposite political spectrum. In the field of waste, the new junta chooses continuity decide, in fact, not to overturn the plan drawn up, but groped to influence development.
Regarding disposal, means the imposition of an active hand in the public sector, through a push and pull the required permissions and licenses denied or only partially given.
With a system of landfills in hand public administration, Fibe, upon receipt of subsidies for the award, then had to return to the same public entity owner of the new landfill for the conferral of Fos and non-reusable fractions.
Fibe The Spa is still assignee of the waste disposal service, since 2000 for the territory of Naples since 2001 and for the rest of the region. The distinctive feature of the contract that binds and Fibe Campania Region is in the same premise: all the waste produced in the region to be awarded in the seven facilities available for the production of refuse derived fuel (RDF).
From the moment of transfer, the Fibe becomes its owner for all purposes.
In fact, the first plants begin to function only in the summer of 2001 and the seven plants come into full operation until May 2003 with the opening of the Battipaglia
Sixth 12/22/2000 Ordinance (No. 3100) of the Minister of extending the state of emergency and extraordinary powers to the President of the Region, until the end of emergency rule.
I said in the title
Well here's the historic mistake, though I could not for the moment to recall the material in this regard, I remember clearly that the slogan of that period and Bassolino company was no more landfills in Campania, really? How? But that magic. I mean in a time of extreme difficulty, that the prefect Ferrigno a month before he went to set out clearly the Bicameral commossione, Commissioner leaves canvas pants all the municipalities of the Province of Naples and Salerno, 70% of waste in Campania.
16.1.2001 breaks with the emergency in the provinces of Naples and Salerno, following the closure of landfills Tufino (Na) and Parapoti (Sa).
breaks the trend of temporary storage sites made by municipalities pursuant to Article 14 of the Legislative Decree no. 22/97, sites often improvised, with few environmental safeguards, and unfortunately often soils resulting in contracts for private rent charged to the community if they build more than 200 approximately one for each municipality.

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December 2000 at the gates of an omen of disaster

In December 2000, the new prefect of Naples, Carlo Ferrigno, and the new Commissioner of the Government to declare an emergency to the Bicameral Commission:
"Let me first give you an overview of the situation. The technical group who had been appointed at the time, consists of seven units from government and public institutions specialized, following audit of the information provided in connection with which he was willing to continue his activities for the disposal For the nine landfills in operation in the whole Campania region, on 31 March, had almost all reached their design capacity.
Before providing specific items of information for each landfill, I wanted to emphasize that the contribution of waste beyond the plane of the surrounding countryside is causing major problems and environmental sanitation technicians.
The first issue is of considerable visual impact that has exacerbated the distress and protests of the inhabitants and administrators who seek the immediate closure of the plant. Disposal involves raising the other hand, significant management difficulties.
It must ensure, first, the stability of the ramps Access to the site drainage to ensure the safety of the workers at the disposal of waste, avoiding the well-founded risk of tipping of the operational resources. The second problem is the regularity of the slope of the embankments built to boundary conditions of stability, with the provision of adequate drainage of rainwater. Then there is the need for a perfect daily covering of waste in order to prevent the transport of light over the edge of the fence. Finally, it should ensure the prompt removal of leachate to be contained within sealed areas. A
It follows naturally that the continuation of disposal involves the postponement of remediation and final settlement already scheduled, with the sealing of the landfill and the biogas collection, as it must adapt their configurations to new projects that will be used to take over the sites. From
technical inspections carried out at the landfills in operation has shown that the entire system, if carried further beyond the acceptable levels of safety and security, may undergo a major collapse, with unpredictable repercussions in terms of geo-environmental. The overload of waste on the bottom may in fact undermine the waterproofing works with the natural release of leachate into the groundwater. Furthermore, the excessive height in elevation leads possible conditions of instability of slopes, with the possible sliding of the mass of the waste outside the waterproofed.
In this framework, there is extremely concerned that the projects undertaken by the Regional President, responsible for the construction of energy plants and facilities for production of refuse derived fuel (RDF), which should have been put into operation in the current year, are suffering delays due to sudden changes of mind or put in opposition, once again, by the local administrators as well as political and social forces. "

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1998-2000 The Bicameral and holes blacks

31/03/1998 Third order Minister of Interior extending state of emergency and extraordinary powers to the President of the Region and the Prefect of Naples up to 31.12.1998

In July 1998, the Bicameral Committee prepare the final document the conclusions of which read as follows :
"The set of questions so far offer a secure framework for the various major elements: a planning, management, health and criminal. Campania is still in an emergency phase as regards the disposal of their waste, and its interventions so far do not have the characteristics necessary to be able to overcome this stage.
Of course, it is recognized that the prefect of Naples, the government commissioner for the emergency disposal, is actually looking for sites that are adequate to cover needs for the disposal of waste products in the region, however, that activity - even though it matches what is required of him by the orders of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - can not but be very temporary, in 'waiting for a new waste policy. In addition, management decisions commissarial collide with the unavailability of certain municipalities to accept the establishment of new landfills on their territory.
But at the moment, this seems to be the only possible route for municipal solid waste produced in Campania, since - as we have seen - the collection to be allocated to recycling is currently limited to a few common, although large companies such as Naples and Salerno. The regional plan for the disposal - issued by the President of the Campania region, Commissioner of the Government to draw up the plan - does not seem to offer concrete solutions and those that impact the situation requires.
As already mentioned, the regional plan fails to identify a number of disposal facilities is to provide an estimate on the collection that are not based on any actual policy. The speech, however, also applies to other types of waste - such as industrial and hospital - which is not given any concrete prediction revive construction of plants disposal.
The Commission expresses its deep concern about this state of affairs, which could lead to the continuing emergency situation but did not offer concrete workable solutions. Therefore considers it appropriate to request the President of the Campania region, Commissioner of the Government to draw up the plan for the disposal, formidable task because it can quickly fill gaps in programming, to provide a secure future needs of waste disposal in Campania. "

25/02/1999 Fourth order of the Minister of the Interior extending state of emergency and extraordinary powers to the President of the Region, the Prefect of Naples until at 31.12.1999

E 'of recent years when a hole that I can not fill in recent years it has completed the tender for the award of the waste cycle and the implementation of the plan. And here's the hole! Between what is programmed in the plan and what has been achieved by FIBE then there is a difference, number of different plants, different locations ... what happened? How did that happen? It must be the fault of this famous contract that I never managed to read.

25/02/1999 Giulio Facchi, Bergamo, former Chairperson of the Environment of the Province of Milan, he was appointed sub-commissioner for collection.

's the good Giulio one of the protagonists In recent years the ugly story of the 160 billion lire for vehicles purchased with funds POR for recycling. Many of these facilities were never used, about sixty vehicles were stolen, many are not even used, many others would be entrusted to private companies in turn paid by the municipalities for the services they render.
Increasingly over the years 1999-2000 is the story of socially useful workers hired within a couple of years indefinitely without doing anything! In fact, even states like bolts in a parliamentary hearing, "the 2316 LSU, where 200 work is a miracle. The others do nothing and criticize me. When I say that with the trade unions are a family and I should not allow them to go out to the bar to play with friends, where maybe you spend all the money zecchinetta "..." these workers will be awarded a monthly stipend of Federambiente, more than € 1,700 per month for 14 months ... "We managed to create some opportunities for real work for these people, the situation has improved somewhat, but if 500 or 600 workers currently employed is a miracle. Others continue to do nothing, because the municipalities and provinces, which has the burden to initiate the main collection, have not done anything, indeed, many municipalities have signed contracts with companies or cooperatives, which have taken other people, often criminals; In short, instead of using the 2,316 workers, local communities has almost always affected, so our offices are full of strange characters, and if we were to ask them their criminal record, we scare "

21.12.1999 Fifth order of the Minister of 'Inside extending state of emergency and extraordinary powers to the President of the Region, the Prefect of Naples and the sub-commissioner for the collection up to 31.12.2000.