Saturday, October 21, 2006

Remedy For Flem In New Born Babies

2001 Odyssey in the waste - the historic mistake

To better understand the issue should be remembered that in 2000, just months after the Fibe has won races, the junta that replaces Bassolino Rakes of opposite political spectrum. In the field of waste, the new junta chooses continuity decide, in fact, not to overturn the plan drawn up, but groped to influence development.
Regarding disposal, means the imposition of an active hand in the public sector, through a push and pull the required permissions and licenses denied or only partially given.
With a system of landfills in hand public administration, Fibe, upon receipt of subsidies for the award, then had to return to the same public entity owner of the new landfill for the conferral of Fos and non-reusable fractions.
Fibe The Spa is still assignee of the waste disposal service, since 2000 for the territory of Naples since 2001 and for the rest of the region. The distinctive feature of the contract that binds and Fibe Campania Region is in the same premise: all the waste produced in the region to be awarded in the seven facilities available for the production of refuse derived fuel (RDF).
From the moment of transfer, the Fibe becomes its owner for all purposes.
In fact, the first plants begin to function only in the summer of 2001 and the seven plants come into full operation until May 2003 with the opening of the Battipaglia
Sixth 12/22/2000 Ordinance (No. 3100) of the Minister of extending the state of emergency and extraordinary powers to the President of the Region, until the end of emergency rule.
I said in the title
Well here's the historic mistake, though I could not for the moment to recall the material in this regard, I remember clearly that the slogan of that period and Bassolino company was no more landfills in Campania, really? How? But that magic. I mean in a time of extreme difficulty, that the prefect Ferrigno a month before he went to set out clearly the Bicameral commossione, Commissioner leaves canvas pants all the municipalities of the Province of Naples and Salerno, 70% of waste in Campania.
16.1.2001 breaks with the emergency in the provinces of Naples and Salerno, following the closure of landfills Tufino (Na) and Parapoti (Sa).
breaks the trend of temporary storage sites made by municipalities pursuant to Article 14 of the Legislative Decree no. 22/97, sites often improvised, with few environmental safeguards, and unfortunately often soils resulting in contracts for private rent charged to the community if they build more than 200 approximately one for each municipality.


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