Thursday, January 4, 2007

Hairdressers Hair Colour Chart 8

Fire Fatuo

I kill myself because you did not like
because I've not loved. I kill myself because our reports were cowards,
to tighten our report. I'll let you on
an indelible stain.

Fatuo Fuoco.

As snow hot coals into his nostrils
fatuous fire cuts through the heart.
Music and blood from his fingers
love life and death mingle in
syncopated bass.

feeling in the morning is not the name and image is not
but insomnia at night.
Hope and unconsciousness,
latency fragrance,
presence-absence. Like black snow hides

and burn the entrails burning
blurs and then blinds the mind.
constant and then increasing
contracts and tends
Precious. Inconsistent
pleasure drunk and drowns
space and time
in ephemeral bodies of dichotomies. Dissatisfied
keep looking tired even
to create.
Convinced already wrong.
dissatisfaction> what?> When?> Why?> My age is permitted to> what is lawful and what is not?> What is really important?> Is allowed at my age? > where do you cling to avoid falling?> ah yes, the important thing is that there is someone> but whatever anyone?> and when you stop?> is realized, and when did you stop?> and if I felt really weak> would be better?> would be easy> it is easy to feel weak, inadequate> disease eliminates liability> is really right?> is really funny?> maybe not> I need to create something that is born of joy> I try> I have to fly> or die> is easier> Like hell! <

Listening: a dialogue from the film 'Le Feu Follet' (Fire Fatuo) [1963] Louis Malle.


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