Friday, November 23, 2007

Come Craccare Record Propellerhead Dongle

Fountains in Piazza Duomo Milan

From the time Mayor Letizia Moratti surprised citizens and tourists with great initiatives, just to draw attention to the city. For example, it has long standing project to arrange a ' Expo 2015, with attached several new modern skyscrapers to make the skyline more and more advanced and construction (finally) of new lines underground.
initiative in recent days, however, is really great: create a system of fountains in the square's most famous and visited the city, right in front of the Duomo!
In preview I have the honor of showing the first pictures of the project, implemented under construction.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Inserting A Tampon Clip


These days, Milan is very similar to Cork. Two full days walking in a gray drizzle impalpable typically Irish. Missing only the Lee River ... maybe the comparison in the Navigli area is impressive. Today
exploit the continuing possibility that the city offers: I was able to get some free tickets for the show "The Light Surgeons - New Adventures in Folklore" to be held tonight at the Teatro degli Arcimboldi, to Zelig. I looked on the website and the event sounds interesting ... at least I hope so!

Ah ... just as long as it is in Milan I had the wish to review some photos taken in Ireland. Unfortunately, my Premium Account on Flickr expired, so only few photos are visible. I will shortly review the renewal so they can be.