Sunday, January 20, 2008

Transferring Boat Ownership In Ontario

Walk walk in the opposite direction of traffic, pushing the bicycle with both hands. Walk at a slow pace along the sidewalk, to prevent motorists tired of the 13:30 flow back on their distracted waves of stress. It's raining non-stop for almost two weeks and his wet coat is gray, the sky the same. Antonella hate umbrellas, even if 'hate' is not the word you would use. Antonella is incapable of hate. Either way her hair is gathered in the Basque wearing. His tight-lipped smile on his face hinted betrays not the words of the song 'Singin In The Rain 'which is humming. The

see, David, surrounded by his three-wheeler three-wheeled snake in the rush hour. The blooms face a smile that is a perfect copy of hers. In her mind she is doing a jam session on 'Autumn In New York'. Absently shakes his torn overalls and became convinced of the need to pass a hand through his hair uncombed, Slide thumb and forefinger of one hand over his mustache in a habitual gesture. Then he deftly sketches out dall'intrico car in the long avenue one-way approaches to the left. They look in the eye while David runs the meeting, are already talking without moving his lips in that paralyzed knowing smile. He grabs the handlebars with his left hand and his right hand around her waist, squeezed him. They open their mouths in a kiss with the taste of rain. They then reached the three-wheeler, she comes in and he put your bike back on the box. While he sets out again a bit ', the way you look at a work of art, then looking in the rearview mirror: "I told you not to wait at school?"

Antonella makes the teacher. E 'precarious. This year's class of third grade. Work with passion and dedication, can easily gain the esteem and affection of his pupils. He played the cello once, and hear all the music in the world. She loves children, laughing, desserts, beers, lager, photographs, fun dinner with a few friends, dancing barefoot, old cinemas in the suburbs, the stormy sea, Sundays in the country. Love life and David. Antony loves.

David is to graduate in art history. In the sense that it lacks a few tests to be supported. But not in a hurry. He studied for ten years with the money they can put aside with his work as a carpenter. He has a shop in an alley of the old town. He has many customers, also important, because it works well. David manages everything that is good because it makes everything with love. Designs and assembles furniture and objects and sculptures. In his spare time he paints and plays the clarinet in the jam from time to time. He writes stories and poems for Anton. A poem a day. In his lab is always on the stereo and plays the right music to inspire the work from time to time to achieve. David loves his sleep and sleeps very little. David loves Antonio.

(April 4, 2007)


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