Monday, May 26, 2008

Virtual Tech Dec Sktepark

Hellas Verona

hinterland Milan is also the case that: dell'Hellas peaceful invasion of the fans to follow the delicate game of Verona in the return of play-out series against the C1 Pro Patria of Busto Arsizio.

... Verona and these were not all here ...


Friday, May 16, 2008

Material For Making Tablecloths

BeeHive Reunion

In Milan, this also happens:


To the delight of many teenagers of the 80 former and not the Bee Hive, the band did dream million Italian fans and not project taking shape for the reunion, thanks to the artistic production of Manuel de Pepper as well as' old band's drummer, Don Tonino protagoinista also in the series and now also famous arranger / producer in the U.S. where he now lives. The Bee Hive
are already 'in the studio in New York, Milan and Naples to record a new single titled "Do not Say Goodbye" piece pop / rock radio output in the very radio expected in spring 2008 with music and arrangements of Manuel De Peppe with the same text written in collaboration with the emerging 22 year old Tony Amodio, bassist of the band and already 'said with his debut CD "Deja vu" in English and Italian in different countries who worked with Manuel for 4 years . The band

Bee Hive Reunion and 'made up of the original members just like Manuel
"Matt" De Peppe (piano-drums-vocals), Pasquale "Mirko" Finicelli (vocals), Sebastian "Satomi" Harrison (keyboards), Luciano "Paul" De Marini (guitar) and newcomer Tony Amodio (bass-vocals).

In preparation for the expected tour that will touch even 'different cities' Italian, but also Switzerland, Malta, Albania, Croatia and Canada.

Children bring great surprises!
official sites where you can get news is; / beehiveforever

The piece will be 'mixed in a historical study of Naples and that means' the GDS
Luciano Liguori, bass player / voice band history of "The Garden of

And here's the video of their performance in Milan Sunday, May 11, 2008.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Toddler Infant Soccer Shoes

Carlino's show

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Texas Real Estate Bill Of Sale


Sunday, May 4th I was in Manfredonia to comment on the competition between the Apulian and the team of David Pellegrini. Last call for gialloblù led by Orfei to catch access the playout, a goal that with a bit of luck we managed to hit. The warmth of local people were friendly, but sin that for obvious logistical reasons I was forced, for the duration of the game, to make the record stand, because there were no chairs available (they told me that were stolen). Apart from that, I was appalled when I read that the fans dell'Hellas, arrived en masse in Manfredonia (400 people) sang backing vocals offensive against Padre Pio. And those who heard them? Not me. My colleagues from Verona even as the Mayor of the town of Manfredonia and the patron of the association of Puglia. But then who is not telling the truth? And 'it possible that, if ever there were these songs, the fans should be labeled as blasphemous gialloblù? Let's talk about the racist chanting aimed at Cissé, as I have said in assessments during the first half. Those who have felt it, and very well. But who knows why, of those choruses of net racist if they have not noticed anyone, least of all newspapers and national television. Fatality ...

Alberto Fabbri

source: TGGialloBlu

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How Much Is Manish Malhotra

Forces Hellas

the old Hellas Verona-esteem and encouragement. Had lost 3-1 to Manfredonia, was demoted shot in C2. He lost 2-1, go straight down the opponents, after the disappointment that they had to deal with anger and unhealthy by bombs pull paper fans (0 vote, but this league - we'll talk aside - is a damn far west). The Verona will playout with the Pro Patria of Busto Arsizio, another name that will startle some lovers in later years and memories. But only those you can not live, otherwise an infinite sadness. That's why the old Hellas collect, for what it's worth, our supporters.

source: Sole24Ore