Monday, September 22, 2008

Sample New Member Letter


Culturiosando promotes and supports the national campaign "Landscapes sensitive", an initiative by Italy to celebrate our sessantenario watching the birth of the Italian Constitution and in particular Article 9: "The Republic shall safeguard the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the Nation." The initiative includes a series of activities to be conducted in 44 Italian towns, are considered particularly worthy of attention and protection, in order to promote knowledge of the area and boost the culture of protection of the landscape and cultural heritage. Some examples? Appia Antica, Delta Po, Cinque Terre ...
The heritage of our country is invaluable. We are tired of seeing the object of neglect and speculation. In our small we want to make a contribution sensitive.
For detailed information about sites visited, as always, write us!
Info and texts from the magazine

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Desert Eagle Cybergun

born the idea Culturiosando

We have an idea. This idea gamble on culture and the extraordinary archaeological, artistic and environmental heritage of our country - indeed, Italy! - Is an idea and a bit 'special, different. Now it is even a dream and we need the participation of many people, all those who think like us and want to support us in our promotion of cultural activities. Promotion of culture? Yes, we want the culture to come out of the niche that still locks up and becomes a passion, maybe even love. To love us is because we are a group of young people who still, despite everything, he wants to believe it ...
And believe it means commitment, tenacity, humility and desire to do so and do it better. Starting from the bottom, from the company of so many people like us who would like to know more, see more, explore and go beyond the banal and already seen.
Where is the dream? To those who have not yet been able to discover this passion that we want to convey. Who? Young, the elderly, workers ... we would like to speak a language comprehensible to everyone and this is one of the key objectives. But this is not possible without the collaboration of those who will suggest changes, improvements e. .. why not: new ideas. It 'clear that we are not and we do not want people to be closed to the contribution outside the contrary ... we are open to meet the needs of those who will try to make their trips, cultural visits to the way he always imagined. We create proposals, recommend routes, we tell the story ... but listen is important. We want to know how to listen.
too utopian? Impossible? ... Let us try and follow us!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Mario Salieri Online Filimler

Pace forced

I must admit that this place has its own because in the morning.
I find myself almost to discover for the first time in this long pause boring bench. In 26 years I never noticed this piece of shade in the boiling of an arid country of the sea.
The central square in the end is nothing but a widened sidewalk, decorated by tall pines - guarantors of cool - and benches and fountains. The gestures and movements of the people are calm and slow awakening. Parents and children on holiday before I go cycling with the newspaper under his arm and shopping bags hanging from the handlebars. The sky is clear in the gaps between the branches of pine, grass in flower beds watered spark cool. Someone in a bun soaks
cappuccino, someone stoops to drink a sip of water at the fountain: the frenzy of "took" the night seems never belonged to this place.
Now I close the book and leave a book that gives a sense of this forced peace.

Castellaneta Marina, 10:36, 23 August 2008