Monday, October 27, 2008

Explanation Hidden Blade Blueprint

-Etruscans The ancient city of Latium

blooms again passion for the Etruscans, or perhaps never fade ... a people to say the least complex (If not mysterious), and "esoteric," particularly reluctant to give full testimony himself and maybe so dear to the imagination of scholars and enthusiasts of ancient and modern.
Tyrrhenian Pelasgians Called by the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans and Tusci autodefinitisi Rasna. But the Etruscans, who were they?
The exhibition tells us about this culture through the development of major urban centers Laziali: Veii, Cerveteri , Vulci, Tarquinia, from the city's oldest and most common characters are both differentiating came gradually in artistic production both in cultural trends and worship which in life styles and business practice. Each of these four cities is a section devoted to the highlights for a particular characteristic: Veii, a city of terracotta, terra-cotta production destined to decorate the roofs of buildings and make sculptural votive offerings. Cerveteri, characterized by the extraordinary funerary architecture connected to the famous cemetery. Vulci, represented for the monumental sculpture in local stone. Tarquinia and the extraordinary production of paintings in the tombs.
It 's a fascinating journey through the reconstruction of a part of the Temple of Apollo, and a tomb, large animals mythical guardians tombs and fine ceramics. A section is devoted to relations between these cities with Rome and the strong influence that the Etruscan civilization had on the Roman world in terms of religious practices and symbols of power.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Reception Wordings In Tamil

Ancient Roman roads: the case of Via Annia

He is starting the project of restoration and enhancement of an ancient Roman road : Via Annia. The project, funded by ARCUS SpA and sostenut or by the Veneto Region and the Municipality of Padua, has as its objective the restoration and enhancement of the ancient Roman road of the second century. BC linking a southern terminus, tentatively identified in Adria passing through the centers of Padua, Altino and Concordia. In Roman times the Via Annia represented a fundamental way of communication between the Po Delta and Aquileia and thanks to an extensive set of secondary links, ensuring a smooth entry to the most important towns in the hinterland . A sort of backbone along which it has developed the identity of the surrounding territories and has played a key role in projecting the Roman culture to the center of Europe.

The course, built by the Romans on earlier proto slopes, today is partly traceable to the Triestina road, despite the vicissitudes of weather and landslides late antiquity and early medieval who have cleared the tracks, making for a long time to lose the memory of this important communication.
Enhancing the path of this ancient Roman road that means collecting common thread that unites past and present, the lands of the north-eastern Italian with the heart of Europe. The recovery can only start from all the evidence, often known only by scholars, who speak of the history of the area.

Via Annia The Project aims to make 'a kind of ancient Roman pin which stimulate the growth process of the territories of the north-east, a cultural promotion, then, that goes hand in hand with plans for landscape improvement and recovery of ancient gastronomic traditions that exist today. If you are interested in this please contact us and we will inform you about our plans to visit "Roman roads" .
Info and texts from the magazine

Homemade Pellet Catcher

Sustainable Tourism Landscapes

In agreement with Rainforest Alliance, UNEP (the UN Environment Programme) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) were presented by the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe first criteria worldwide in favor of a sustainable tourism . These rules are based on thousands of best practices, extrapolated from the standards currently applied in various countries around the world, and developed to provide a common framework to guide the emerging sustainable tourism and environmentally friendly. The criteria were developed by Partnership for Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria (Gstc Partnership), a new breakfast of 27 organizations, made up of leading public and private, nonprofit organizations and entities mentioned above. Over the past 15 months the partnership, together with sustainability experts and industry travel, reviewed more than 60 existing certification standards in the world, including those also on a voluntary basis. In all, were analyzed more than 4,500 criteria have been heard and the observations of 80 000 people, including conservationists, industry leaders, governmental authorities and UN bodies. The results available on , focus on four areas of crucial importance: the optimization of socio-economic benefits of tourism to local communities, reducing negative impacts on cultural heritage, and the reduction of injury affected local environments, planning for sustainability.
Info and texts from magazine

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sample New Member Letter


Culturiosando promotes and supports the national campaign "Landscapes sensitive", an initiative by Italy to celebrate our sessantenario watching the birth of the Italian Constitution and in particular Article 9: "The Republic shall safeguard the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the Nation." The initiative includes a series of activities to be conducted in 44 Italian towns, are considered particularly worthy of attention and protection, in order to promote knowledge of the area and boost the culture of protection of the landscape and cultural heritage. Some examples? Appia Antica, Delta Po, Cinque Terre ...
The heritage of our country is invaluable. We are tired of seeing the object of neglect and speculation. In our small we want to make a contribution sensitive.
For detailed information about sites visited, as always, write us!
Info and texts from the magazine

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Desert Eagle Cybergun

born the idea Culturiosando

We have an idea. This idea gamble on culture and the extraordinary archaeological, artistic and environmental heritage of our country - indeed, Italy! - Is an idea and a bit 'special, different. Now it is even a dream and we need the participation of many people, all those who think like us and want to support us in our promotion of cultural activities. Promotion of culture? Yes, we want the culture to come out of the niche that still locks up and becomes a passion, maybe even love. To love us is because we are a group of young people who still, despite everything, he wants to believe it ...
And believe it means commitment, tenacity, humility and desire to do so and do it better. Starting from the bottom, from the company of so many people like us who would like to know more, see more, explore and go beyond the banal and already seen.
Where is the dream? To those who have not yet been able to discover this passion that we want to convey. Who? Young, the elderly, workers ... we would like to speak a language comprehensible to everyone and this is one of the key objectives. But this is not possible without the collaboration of those who will suggest changes, improvements e. .. why not: new ideas. It 'clear that we are not and we do not want people to be closed to the contribution outside the contrary ... we are open to meet the needs of those who will try to make their trips, cultural visits to the way he always imagined. We create proposals, recommend routes, we tell the story ... but listen is important. We want to know how to listen.
too utopian? Impossible? ... Let us try and follow us!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Mario Salieri Online Filimler

Pace forced

I must admit that this place has its own because in the morning.
I find myself almost to discover for the first time in this long pause boring bench. In 26 years I never noticed this piece of shade in the boiling of an arid country of the sea.
The central square in the end is nothing but a widened sidewalk, decorated by tall pines - guarantors of cool - and benches and fountains. The gestures and movements of the people are calm and slow awakening. Parents and children on holiday before I go cycling with the newspaper under his arm and shopping bags hanging from the handlebars. The sky is clear in the gaps between the branches of pine, grass in flower beds watered spark cool. Someone in a bun soaks
cappuccino, someone stoops to drink a sip of water at the fountain: the frenzy of "took" the night seems never belonged to this place.
Now I close the book and leave a book that gives a sense of this forced peace.

Castellaneta Marina, 10:36, 23 August 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Christmas Liquor Drinks

Travelogue Berlin / Krakow / Budapest / Prague 2008

I commend my spirit images

that the memory it evokes.

28 July to 14 August 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Iphone Amateour Surgeon Walkthrough

Thanks to George!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sepsis From Abscess Tooth

The YMCA OR - Summer

continue supporting the OR.

How To Retiemoccasins

Hellas / = \\

Free Image Hosting at

QuickPost QuickPost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Luminess Air Foundation

Milan Travel

"The trip gives rise to many ideas in those who already inspires many and very few indeed takes off, in those who have little."

A. Fat (see here )

Friday, June 20, 2008

Brazilian Wax Tyler Tx

Paola and Chiara in Danish men

Paola and Chiara in Sanremo:

their clones in Danish X-Factor:

Friday, June 13, 2008

Cheaters Korean Movie.

Types of Jack Daniel's

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ikea Bed Parts Replacement Order

AAA motor

AAA Wanted scooter wrecks.

am looking for a motorcycle to be scrapped, one of those who now lie helpless in the garage and no one has yet had the urge to send to the cemetery.

If you have or know someone who wants to get rid of, please let me know?

My email:

How To Migrate Pokemon Into Ss

Searching Similarities with celebrities

Want to know what you look like someone famous?
Simply go here:

This is the result with a photo of me ...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Virtual Tech Dec Sktepark

Hellas Verona

hinterland Milan is also the case that: dell'Hellas peaceful invasion of the fans to follow the delicate game of Verona in the return of play-out series against the C1 Pro Patria of Busto Arsizio.

... Verona and these were not all here ...


Friday, May 16, 2008

Material For Making Tablecloths

BeeHive Reunion

In Milan, this also happens:


To the delight of many teenagers of the 80 former and not the Bee Hive, the band did dream million Italian fans and not project taking shape for the reunion, thanks to the artistic production of Manuel de Pepper as well as' old band's drummer, Don Tonino protagoinista also in the series and now also famous arranger / producer in the U.S. where he now lives. The Bee Hive
are already 'in the studio in New York, Milan and Naples to record a new single titled "Do not Say Goodbye" piece pop / rock radio output in the very radio expected in spring 2008 with music and arrangements of Manuel De Peppe with the same text written in collaboration with the emerging 22 year old Tony Amodio, bassist of the band and already 'said with his debut CD "Deja vu" in English and Italian in different countries who worked with Manuel for 4 years . The band

Bee Hive Reunion and 'made up of the original members just like Manuel
"Matt" De Peppe (piano-drums-vocals), Pasquale "Mirko" Finicelli (vocals), Sebastian "Satomi" Harrison (keyboards), Luciano "Paul" De Marini (guitar) and newcomer Tony Amodio (bass-vocals).

In preparation for the expected tour that will touch even 'different cities' Italian, but also Switzerland, Malta, Albania, Croatia and Canada.

Children bring great surprises!
official sites where you can get news is; / beehiveforever

The piece will be 'mixed in a historical study of Naples and that means' the GDS
Luciano Liguori, bass player / voice band history of "The Garden of

And here's the video of their performance in Milan Sunday, May 11, 2008.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Toddler Infant Soccer Shoes

Carlino's show

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Texas Real Estate Bill Of Sale


Sunday, May 4th I was in Manfredonia to comment on the competition between the Apulian and the team of David Pellegrini. Last call for gialloblù led by Orfei to catch access the playout, a goal that with a bit of luck we managed to hit. The warmth of local people were friendly, but sin that for obvious logistical reasons I was forced, for the duration of the game, to make the record stand, because there were no chairs available (they told me that were stolen). Apart from that, I was appalled when I read that the fans dell'Hellas, arrived en masse in Manfredonia (400 people) sang backing vocals offensive against Padre Pio. And those who heard them? Not me. My colleagues from Verona even as the Mayor of the town of Manfredonia and the patron of the association of Puglia. But then who is not telling the truth? And 'it possible that, if ever there were these songs, the fans should be labeled as blasphemous gialloblù? Let's talk about the racist chanting aimed at Cissé, as I have said in assessments during the first half. Those who have felt it, and very well. But who knows why, of those choruses of net racist if they have not noticed anyone, least of all newspapers and national television. Fatality ...

Alberto Fabbri

source: TGGialloBlu

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How Much Is Manish Malhotra

Forces Hellas

the old Hellas Verona-esteem and encouragement. Had lost 3-1 to Manfredonia, was demoted shot in C2. He lost 2-1, go straight down the opponents, after the disappointment that they had to deal with anger and unhealthy by bombs pull paper fans (0 vote, but this league - we'll talk aside - is a damn far west). The Verona will playout with the Pro Patria of Busto Arsizio, another name that will startle some lovers in later years and memories. But only those you can not live, otherwise an infinite sadness. That's why the old Hellas collect, for what it's worth, our supporters.

source: Sole24Ore

Monday, April 28, 2008

Diy Party Invitations Ice Skate

Tonight MTV

Tonight I'll be in the audience of "Tonight, no MTV, new transmission Amber ...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Extracting Two Front Teeth

anything you broken the 6?

it to you:

SHORTEN - Throw - ORLIAMO - Patch
Ting - ECC ...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Lgb Train Troubleshooting

Dependencies (Part II) (flashback: Love Can Damage Your Health)

Any reference to people and places existing or real events is purely coincidental.
(The first part of the story is in the post below)

"Hello Charles, good night .. and thanks for giving me a hand ... "

" But I figured Stè, \u200b\u200byou have to carry that huge bass ... and I just my trombone. What do you want it be five floors of stairs in his arms with an amplifier? I need you in one piece for the concert at the 'Bottleneck' the next week. I told [pants] ... it will Venturi room ... and that we can bring in significant speed! Rest. "

" Ok Ca. Thanks. Good night. "

[Carlo winks and walks away. Then, as Stephanie is about to open the door of his apartment, Carlo stops and turns back:]

"Stephen ..."

"Yes, tell me."

"Bravo. Congratulations. I wanted to tell you that since you are 'clean' six really great. Your swing is more reliable ... and now in the groove that you just did not compare with the past. I'm really happy for you. You really managed to get rid of that shit and it shows. And Angela is crazy about you and you are happy. Are you happy, it's nice to see you ... even for a 'beef' like me! "

" Thank you Charles. Now I'm too tired even to blush. Thank you for believing in me ... and ... just, fuck, I say you're doing too many 'thank you' ... ugly infamous "


"Come soon ... You'll find a subspecies of the female bear you up in that old age will make you even more sclerotic than now ... and beyond. When you find you miss it ... and I will catch up with you ... maybe you will stop smoking as a neurotic, you prick! "

" Ahah ... that kind, thank you ... goodnight asshole Paraculo exploiter of labor! "

Simonsson My name is Stephanie and I have twenty-eight years.

I have an Italian name because my parents were already living in the Salento when I was born. My father Magnus, Swedish, and my mother Cristina, Argentina, had decided to join a small group of relatives of my mother when her parents died in an accident.

I live in Perugia for a decade, ever since I moved there for college.

immediately clamped a solid and bizarre friendship with Anthony, a pukabbestia Matera of the apartment she shared with me for students. We were both fixed-Progressive Rock with him and, after two months of knowledge, I found a job as a bassist in a cover band Pink Floyd. Antonio was enrolled in the Faculty of Foreign Languages, but the only language he knew at the time were those of crap that goes into the room. It was not a dick all day and cane is killed (and I also saw). With him I made the first 'trumpet' of my life and although I had never smoked cigarettes, I became moderately dependent on cannabis. Antò taught me about the location of its pusher of trust, but in reality at that time I was still not good and I bought almost never smoke, content to scrounge every so often the good grass from my roommate (that we know that the grass the neighbor is always good ...). The night I went to the tests of the group, went out drinking at night for rooms with Anto and looking stoned in the morning I arrived for classes in Mathematics.

One morning, in a break-barrel in the yard, I knew Margherita. I do not remember how it was dressed, but certainly wore a multicolored band to hold together his mountain of curly brown hair and lots of piercings including ears, nose, eyebrows, lips and tongue. I was definitely telling a few episodes of the life of Charles Mingus with George and Peter, two of my classmates at that time they were together, and she kept staring at me that way as I listened, rapt. That evening we went for some "Tequila Bum Bum" in a pub to discuss in complete agreement on Quentin Tarantino's filmography, and in complete disagreement on the work of Fellini, laughing numb alcohol for our silly little game of finding people that look like things to roll between the sheets in my bed. Burning our passion like two wild animals for two years and I was the happiest man in the world, or at least I was convinced of it. Until Antonio told me that fucked.

After that even the smallest debris of the world I was falling on me, I left my room in the apartment and went to live with Julia and Michael, a saxophonist and a trumpeter that were made for speed. I started taking drugs seriously and hoped that cowardly to end my life early because I could not bear the agony any longer. I thought it was filled with shit my right, to annihilate, to alienate us from an evil world beyond reasonable doubt. Despite the ruling

acid, the abandoned in favor of Progressive Rock-Jazz, under the heavy courtship of John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Gato Barbieri, Clifford Brown, who not only my two new friends made me listen all day, but sometimes they were just talking to me personally in my moments of madness. We formed a strange instrumental trio and fortunately we found there were several clubs that play live. I needed to play just to earn enough money to buy the doses. Meanwhile I had to practice hard to quickly adapt my technique of electric bass, double bass. I exchanged my phone with a pair of comfortable shoes, little used, so no one could contact me and I began to strive for absolute isolation.

I was told that during a concert in 'La Tana Dell' Orso "I dropped to the ground with a heavy bass thump, and I was dropped from the dais to take punches a chick who, during a moment of distraction her boyfriend, who had gone to order two beers at the bar, had come to slip a note in the package, I had not even read the ticket but that it involved his phone number. She escaped with a broken nose and a black eye, me with a complaint for assault and how a contract (although in reality there was no physical card to tear).

slept little or nothing, morning I woke up crying and I did not trust anyone anymore, not even my father. He wanted to help, poor, and I was bullied on the phone when I called a cab to ask for money. I deserved to be disowned, but fortunately he, at least he, I have never abandoned. Many people thought that 'friend' knew how to reach you, but no one lifted a finger, except for Michael who gave me some dose when I was really bad and you do not expect much in return. I realized that I had always been what he called old friends to know what they are combining, and I definitely felt alone in the world. But one night the world will remember me.

I had gone to buy cocaine and I was walking near Piazza arm Fortinbras, when I noticed a beautiful German Shepherd who played chase a tennis ball and return it to its owner. Or maybe it was a beautiful girl who was playing to launch a tennis ball to his big dog. I did not have too much time thinking about it, because I do not know where it came out at full speed and it was just a scooter on the trajectory of the puppy. I dived instinctively on the dog with a gesture worthy of a good goalkeeper and rolled together on the sidewalk. I stayed for a while 'lying folded on his knee and that I must have crumbled on impact and he did not know if frightened or amused, took a licking the face and then wagging his tail with the damn ball in her mouth. So it was that I met Angelica, that being the wonderful creature that took a walk. I said a thousand times thanks, took me to his house to heal the abrasions, I put a box of frozen soup on his knee swollen and offered me a drink. Smelled crazy and was always smiling. The chair where I had to accommodate was all bitten by the dog.

That evening the dealer did not see me coming and then from there I would never see again.

The rest ... the rest is made of music, of abstinence, sweat, terrible pain, his cozy living room, a sofa that sometimes, unfortunately, I cagarmi saw him, his hugs, his words of comfort and trust, cycling.

The rest is this: I, Angelica, Alfonso the dog, the smell of our house, my scribbles, jam sessions and love.

Now I'm clean, no longer a junkie, but sometimes I wonder if we still, somehow, 'dependent'.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Creative Fingers Tech Deck

Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low

ATM ...

I can count ... as no!

Monday, March 17, 2008

What Is A Good Glycerin Soap For Acne

Dependencies (Part I) Instant

Any reference to people and places existing or real events is purely coincidental.

Whether you are employed, worker, student, freelancer, you know that after a day of "heavy" there is nothing better than to treat yourself a little pleasure of life. But many ...
I rained on his head a storm. Launch casually clothes on a chair - bathroom - a good crap release, with an adjoining a pleasant reading. Gestures that when you have too much time for yourself, you do not know to appreciate. And then the rite includes a hot shower, singing something frivolous (even customize the text). There is dry to the warm welcoming of your room, you wear something overly comfortable. There would be good background music, but tonight I'm not going.
For once I want to give a dinner as they should, and so with the small pleasures of the kitchen. Yes, two omelets with ham and mozzarella salad and are a pleasure very small for a big man tired after a long day, but you should know my salad before a hurry rating: Brazilian salad, radicchio, tomatoes, corn, parmesan flakes , mayonnaise, green apple, walnuts, a drizzle of olive oil, a little balsamic vinegar and a pinch of salt. Although all of these colors are important to meet the body and mind.
While tearing a slice of bread with your hands, I'm thinkin 'two songs that will play tomorrow, but I still confuse the issues. Sometimes I, damn! "Night And Day" and "Just Friends" are the two pieces indicted today. It begins to sing a mentally, and now, on the same chords, I remember the theme of the other. Combining my brain the memory of a PC, I think maybe I would need a good defrag. And to say that for a bass player should not be a problem to confusion on the issues of a jazz standard, but in the past I happened to play "Yesterdays" instead of "Summer Time" or "Stella By Starlight" instead of "Beautiful Love". I was able to recover quickly the walkin ', but I stayed in a silly estrangement because of feeling to play a different topic from what I had imagined at the outset.
Now turn off the music in my brain, and with the aid of a mirage olfactory, tossed here and there by the scent of her body, I do a swim in the idea of \u200b\u200bmy addiction to her. It 's like when you happen to have on hand or something as beautiful as you want, that I could not believe it's really your. "In a little 'discover that they have made a mistake and I take away the" you say to yourself as you try to take advantage of this fortune as possible before it is too late. I sometimes even in dreams and do not know if it is common to all (but of course it is): If I am in a paradoxical situation too, I sense of being in a dream and I can wake up voluntarily. Yet the strong odor of burnt eggs into the pan with toasted mozzarella remind me that is all real. Real as the document that I deliver to my client tomorrow morning and is currently at 60%. Real as the pain in my back that I will be hauling down five flights of stairs of my instrument amplifier such as fuck you get caught the elevator maintenance company and my landlord for the elevator broke. And for the rent increase.
Back in my body and remove the pan from the charred mass. Prepare to smile and another omelette stuffed chimp, because she is not there tonight ... but tomorrow there will be. And because the storms never last that much.
(End of part 1)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Reason For Flem In New Born Babies

Dear Paolo Ziliani

Dear Paolo Ziliani,

enough is enough. Now just because we are sad. I know it's easy, very easy, shoot on Verona. He shoots and they are left unpunished. Last in the standings in C1, a company in disarray, fake money, debts ... But do not do this. His reference in the report cards on Papa Waigo was wrong right from the professional point of view, and absolutely free. How do you say that Waigo was booed in Verona? How can you not remember that Waigo has grown among the youth of Verona, who went to school at the diocesan center Monsignor Carraro, that fans of the Verona had also got a shirt that says Waigon Station? How can you be so shallow? Waigo was booed when he returned to Verona with the shirt of Cesena (as Salvetti). And not because Verona is racist. There were two ex that broke up well with the city and the fans (Salvetti does not seem to be a black ...). And then, because the last team was Waigo Genoa, why did not refer to rossoblù, genoani to have twisted her mouth when Waigo came from them, the fact that it was liquidated in January as if it were a nag ? Easy, too easy to shoot at Verona and Verona and Juventus when the whole stadium shouting "death death" with a player of Turin on the ground? Too easy, dear Ziliani. Even Cossu, up to a month ago was booed at Bentegodi. Why it sucked. It now makes a difference in Cagliari. But Cossu is not black (like Salvetti ...) and therefore not news. It seems to me that this is true racism. A fact noted only for the color of the skin. This time the four report card if she deserves it. And next time remember to apologize. Because here we have offended. And we are really tired of this situation ...

To hear the report of Ziliani click here .

Monday, February 18, 2008

Things To Say To Niece At Her Wedding

The Return! The Nativity

After a while 'I return to write, because I found a new interesting activity that goes well with a blog.
For some time I attend a gym and among the activities is often more practical way. I've never been a big fan, but with the right motivation I'm starting to take taste. In Specifically, I decided to use my iPod to this end, buying the Nike + kit : a sensor that stores data on its races from which the iPod then download data to a PC and the Internet.
Currently my stats are pretty pathetic, but we hope to improve over time. If you'd like to know my progress as long as you go here.
Thus was born a very large community that uses this technology to compete in various ways. I have just overlooking, but soon I found myself involved in one of these challenges, thanks to a friend Hattrick ( Manu) who is a regular user of nikeplus.
The most interesting part in these challenges is to publicize and encourage others to confront. Here's what I'm participating in now ... anyone interested will sign up!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wear Jockstrap Or Thong


Post devoted to a group that is starting to do really important things and I know from the beginning. Although I stopped going to their concerts a couple of years ago, I continued to follow their fortunes, thanks to their site, up to date. Support them by copying and pasting below the latest newsletter received. New

good news:

the song of the OR "Like Outside Rain, "the new single from all Italian radios loved it this week on Radio New Dimension Radio and Italy, so as to place it in the next episode of HIT Italy, the ranking of the most appreciated of the week individuals who distribute these networks in more than 30 Italian radio and Belgium, thanks to RADIO HITALIA.

You can begin to ask on your favorite radio station! To do well the files used radio that there has already been sent to the "Sacred Fire". In case you had not there Plus, you can download it from this link:
... and ask for it, ask for it ask for it! You can find all the contacts necessary to give a big hand! In some

the piece is even entered in the standings, but we must do everything because we stay, so we continue with the calls! PLEASE! It 'really important to ensure that the OR will continue to enjoy a significant "visible" radio, and then be considered by the national circuit!
can take up to two songs, including "Sacred Fire"!

We thank you once again for all your heat, you remember that "OUTSIDE LIKE RAIN" find it extraordinarily download FREE (!!!) on "space" of the band at / likeoutsiderain

to this address ( ) can (and you!;)), the band also vote for him to get more visibility in order to get more programming! Help! It does not cost anything ... The OR
Vote and spread as much as possible!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Transferring Boat Ownership In Ontario

Walk walk in the opposite direction of traffic, pushing the bicycle with both hands. Walk at a slow pace along the sidewalk, to prevent motorists tired of the 13:30 flow back on their distracted waves of stress. It's raining non-stop for almost two weeks and his wet coat is gray, the sky the same. Antonella hate umbrellas, even if 'hate' is not the word you would use. Antonella is incapable of hate. Either way her hair is gathered in the Basque wearing. His tight-lipped smile on his face hinted betrays not the words of the song 'Singin In The Rain 'which is humming. The

see, David, surrounded by his three-wheeler three-wheeled snake in the rush hour. The blooms face a smile that is a perfect copy of hers. In her mind she is doing a jam session on 'Autumn In New York'. Absently shakes his torn overalls and became convinced of the need to pass a hand through his hair uncombed, Slide thumb and forefinger of one hand over his mustache in a habitual gesture. Then he deftly sketches out dall'intrico car in the long avenue one-way approaches to the left. They look in the eye while David runs the meeting, are already talking without moving his lips in that paralyzed knowing smile. He grabs the handlebars with his left hand and his right hand around her waist, squeezed him. They open their mouths in a kiss with the taste of rain. They then reached the three-wheeler, she comes in and he put your bike back on the box. While he sets out again a bit ', the way you look at a work of art, then looking in the rearview mirror: "I told you not to wait at school?"

Antonella makes the teacher. E 'precarious. This year's class of third grade. Work with passion and dedication, can easily gain the esteem and affection of his pupils. He played the cello once, and hear all the music in the world. She loves children, laughing, desserts, beers, lager, photographs, fun dinner with a few friends, dancing barefoot, old cinemas in the suburbs, the stormy sea, Sundays in the country. Love life and David. Antony loves.

David is to graduate in art history. In the sense that it lacks a few tests to be supported. But not in a hurry. He studied for ten years with the money they can put aside with his work as a carpenter. He has a shop in an alley of the old town. He has many customers, also important, because it works well. David manages everything that is good because it makes everything with love. Designs and assembles furniture and objects and sculptures. In his spare time he paints and plays the clarinet in the jam from time to time. He writes stories and poems for Anton. A poem a day. In his lab is always on the stereo and plays the right music to inspire the work from time to time to achieve. David loves his sleep and sleeps very little. David loves Antonio.

(April 4, 2007)

Does Vodafone Work In India

Zen thought in four rhymes (to G.) Blue

L'immagine “” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

It's not what I guess life's

Such A Mess But It's Like Some Kind Of
bless everyday That you're the light of my happiness.