Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How To Write A Confirmation Letter To Priest

2006 - Arch. Fiammetta Dementia - owner of Studio Keyart - Architecture and Urban Design Aidda member of the Delegation of Lombardy, is a candidate for Tables Construction Design and Fashion Industry Association Aidda and confirmed national contact.

Sector The design of tables, arises from the assumption that Aidda Association is unique due to the presence of different enterprises in all sectors merceologici.Il project comes with an innovative and dynamic formula tends towards the market, able to pick up new trends and turn them into new business opportunities, both nationally and internationally ( Aidda is affiliated to FCEM - Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises Mondiales ).

FCEM is today the strongest association in the world of entrepreneurs and executives who reside in more than 50 countries spread across 5 continents, countries to which you add members and observers. It 's a strong worldwide network of 450,000 women entrepreneurs who realizes the reality of the global market. View globalization not as a privilege of a few, but as opportunities for economies in transition, to offer opportunities for the removal of barriers, especially the difference in technological knowledge.

mission area consists of tables in the sharing of business and professional identity among members by areas of expertise with the creation of an interchange between the various sectors to obtain a greater cohesion within the ' Aidda so as to be identified at national level.

This is achieved by working on several fronts
1. improving trade relations between member companies;
2. creating greater visibility with institutions on specific issues;
3. building consortia of industry or sector;
4. organizing events to national character;
5. facilitating external relations for the associated companies taking advantage of the contacts that we can derive from our membership FCEM - Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises Mondiales.

The table of industry dedicated to fashion and design is composed of five members who perform the functions of national contact:
· Delegation Lombardia: Architect Fiammetta Dementia - Milan Lazio
· Delegation: Antonella Rossi - Roma
· Delegation Sicily: Carla Delfino - Syracuse
· Delegation Umbria: Clara Baldelli Bombelli - Perugia
· Delegation Liguria: Barbara Borsotto - Imperia


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