Monday, September 13, 2010

Crank Battery Charger

church of San Rocco in Arsago Seprio [V]

The Church of San Rocco in Arsago Seprio

[ V a r e s e ]

inspired by a beautiful article by Gabriel Ceresa, published in the newspaper "La Prealpina" in Varese, 13 September 2007 and I was given, enclosed in a frame per day, by the spouses of Bartholomew Arsago Seprio current owners of San Rocco, on the occasion of my short visit in May 2008.
was a long time I wanted to visit San Rocco and I was wondering how a place of worship could be enclosed by a railing.

One morning, as on many other occasions, I found myself to go there in front of a bicycle.
I took my courage in both hands and rang the bell, which I had never dared to do before.
She said all kind a lady who informed me that the church was no longer a place of worship had been desecrated during the Second World War [1939 - 1945] . He added that it would be more than happy to let me visit, even allowing me to carry out the shooting. The lady introduced me to her husband and both of them, very polite, showed me their home and garden and brought in every corner of their property with exquisite warmth and courtesy.

The article, to which I referred earlier, virtually summed up the history of this architectural gem dating from the XVI century .

Here is the brief summary.

" It was about the year 1950. The continuing shift to low-flying aircraft (Malpensa is located in the immediate vicinity) and the deafening noise they made, over time, move other tiles, it caused numerous leaks that caused the bell in the sacristy and in the apse, substantial and irreparable damage .
Thus, in 1958, the Provost of Arsago made the request to demolish the entire building had become dilapidated, and also desecrated since the days of the war following the requisitioned for war purposes, of 'existing only bell.

It is at this point that replaces the providential intervention of the architect Alessandro Minali: he decided to buy the entire structure to transform it in his dwelling-house.

The Superintendent then granted permission to transform the building, provided that you preserve the tower in its original structure.
Unfortunately Minali Alexander died two years later, but his nephew, Ennio Bartholomew, Erminia and his wife were able to keep the property in an impeccable way, especially make several improvements that they emphasized the Previous sacredness of 'whole building.

In fact in 2007 were carried out substantial renovations, restoring the structure to its former glory.

Today, passing from before, one can not help but stop to admire the beauty of the place, both for its linearity for its beautiful prospects. "

As you can see, the photographs were taken by me only to the outside of the complex, deliberately avoiding to resume the inside of the house, in order to comply the privacy of the owners.

After the visit, thanked Messrs Bartholomew heart for allowing me to admire and photograph the jewelry and their above all, for their really friendly and uncommon hospitality.


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