Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Panasonic Dvx100b Cost

ALL of San Vittore in Arsago Seprio [Va]

Il Complesso di San Vittore in Arsago Seprio [Varese]

the complex taken from the north-west

Arsago Seprio quote is a small town in Ticino Park near Somma Lombardo. The monumental complex of Romanesque, is the Basilica, now a national monument building with bell tower and the Baptistery of San Giovanni, all of considerable architectural beauty and green space within an extended and by a thick row of cypress trees that are from the screen to the Baptistery, giving the place a sense of great peace and tranquility.

The Baptistery, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, stands next to the Basilica, octagonal cupola on top of which is found at a time round, it is assumed to have been built in the eleventh century. Inside there is the ancient bath for baptism, which is also octagonal and is accessed down some stairs.

The Basilica, one of the most important Romanesque churches in the province of Varese, is structured on three naves and is presumed has been built between the 'eighth and ninth centuries, the interior of the Basilica, very simple, has suffered in recent years some work restoration, bringing to light the decorations that are thought to have been added in more recent times.

the complex taken from the south-east

The bell tower is leaning to the left of the Basilica; this is a massive and impressive tower, built in the eleventh century, whose bells, only since 1872, were placed in the open, almost to the top of the tower, which is slightly leaning.

Also in Arsago Seprio of considerable interest in the Civic Archaeological Museum, which houses finds from the Roman necropolis and the Lombards found near Arsago Seprio. The museum itself, opened in 1983, renovated and expanded years ago and reopened to the public since 1998 and to date I have not had the opportunity to visit it, and I think I will as soon as possible seems to be the most important museum Lombard is currently present in Italy.

The above is not intended as a simple report about a trip, a hike, more often of a cultural nature, usually during a beautiful day sun.
For more detailed information, please consult the website in question.

a hello to Joseph, a tourist on a bicycle!

f   i   n  e 


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