Saturday, September 4, 2010

Is It Ok To Use Epsom Salt While Pregnant

LE Glacier CAZZAGO Brabbia [VA]

the ice Cazzago Brabbia [V]

are thought to have been built towards the end of 1700, the same as were used for the conservation of the fish caught in Lake Varese, then among the most fish-filled lakes in the area.

These iceboxes were filled with winter lake ice, recovered in large slabs from the fishermen who, armed with axes, they did it in pieces, then wrap in heavy blankets, with special wagons transported and deposited within the glacier in the most convenient period, ie January to February.

The fish was so 'placed in ice and in the end everything was covered with rice husks, case obtained as a waste product from the threshing, which served as insulation, ensuring keeping ice in solid form for about a year, ensuring that 'the conservation of the fish itself.

The fishery for coastal popolalazioni was the main activity for their survival, that in this small area is contained almost the entire history of our beautiful lake of Varese, and its fishermen.

pity that the area is not very well marked, some signs in more would not hurt.

A few steps from Ghiacchiaie, slightly downhill, a nice marina with a large area used for picnics, practically a small oasis, which is worth visiting, you will not be disappointed!

As I reached the area to photograph, I noticed a car in which they are particularly fond of, a Beetle W mod. convertible, decorated for a wedding. A short distance away was a photographer doing a photo shoot with the couple, and to respect their privacy, I have deliberately avoided to recover, but I could not give up this beautiful photograph exemplary

The above is not intended as a simple report about a trip, a hike, more often of a cultural nature, usually during a beautiful day sun.
For more detailed information, please consult the website in question.

a hello to Joseph, a tourist on a bicycle!

f   i   n   e


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